Grief & Loss

Grief & loss is part of the human experience.

Delving into nature we learn about metamorphosis; the cycle of a caterpillar transforming
into a butterfly. The butterfly's life expectancy is only 15 - 29 days. In this time they procreate 
and return back to the earth. One day I observed a yellow butterfly lay its eggs in my garden
only to expire shortly after.

If metamorphosis is the whole process of all life on earth,
why do humans struggle with grief & loss?

At Golden Keys
we offer alternative healing tools to support people through the grieving process.

These tools are drawn from differing cultural &
religious practices, University studies, keen observation of the human experience
compared with nature and a thirst for
ongoing knowledge and understanding.

I ponder the traditional Western Culture approach. A death in the family. Funeral arrangements. Funeral attendance. Final resting place. Attendees join for tea and cake or beer and nuts. Concluding with everyone going their separate ways and getting on with life.

When addressing grief how many
times have you heard this?

Leave the past in the past
Move forward

These are common phrases but what
is the true impact of grief on the mind,
body & spirit?

This episode of The Crown explains grief in it’s truest form:

“I learnt then what grief was, true grief, how it moves through the body, how it inhabits it, how it
becomes part of your skin, your cells, & it makes a home there, a permanent home, but you learn
to live with it & you will be happy again, not ever in the same way as before, but that's the point,
to keep finding new ways”

— The Crown, Season 5 - Episode 2 

How does Golden Keys Healing support you moving
through the grieving process?

Honouring Your Grief

Meeting At Your Stage
Of The Process

Gender Differences

Cultural Differences

Religious Differences

Individual Grieving

Healthy Grieving Using Strobe & Shut (1999)
- Dual Process of Grief Model

Learning To Live
With Grief

Creating A New

Loss Of A Family Pet

Utilising Creative Arts:

  Playback Theatre
  Video Diary To Support       Healthy Grieving 

Tender Funerals Advocate  

Tender Funerals offers empowerment, bringing power back to families, community and disempowering big corporate chains who charge outrageous fees
for the whole funeral processes.

They are a new and compassionate community-led
way to care for our 
loved ones during their time of need.

Death Chat Advocate 

Golden Keys Healing regularly 
visit the Death Chat group.

It a great place to discuss your
grief in a warm supportive environment.